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Support Creators

Support Over Saturated

At this point, all content on Over Saturated is accessible for free. Any user can join as a subscriber or contributor for no cost, becoming an author is a bit more complex. That being said, our goal as a platform is to get African creatives paid to make whatever content they want to make.

Running a platform like this costs money, and we thought why not give you as a reader the option to support the platform. You can support us by donating through the ‘donate’ button above.

Your contributions will go to running the platform and paying African creators to keep creating what they are creating. If you want your contribution to go to a specific creator, simply leave a note telling us who you want it to go to and we’ll get it to them.

The authors that are eligible to get paid through Over Saturated are listed below. Please give their work a look.

If you want to support Over Saturated but don’t have the financial means to donate, please share your favourite Authors content wherever you can. Doing that has a bigger impact than you’d imagine.
